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There are many occasions in our lives that we find ourselves needing to make new friends. Maybe we have moved area or schools. Maybe it is because you are going off to university, starting an apprenticeship or work. Needless to say, we all at one time or another need to do this. Some find this very easy and others almost impossible. The truth is that we all need to interact with others to gain a sense of belonging and wellbeing. Our brain releases positive hormones when we think, act and interact with others positively. What holds us back? It is usually some form of anxiety. What if……? …they don’t like me..... I say something wrong. You can fill in the blank.
However our brain is over protective and will always quickly see the worst possible case and hold us back from hurt and disappointment, but what if….. they do like you and you form a friendship with someone that lasts for life. How great would that be? When we come from a positive perspective things don’t seem so threatening because we are anticipating good things to come out of an interaction. We can’t control how someone responds to us, but if we don’t try we will never know – just think of all those possibilities that you may miss out on by not having a go and you do have control and how you respond. Having control is so liberating. Knowing that you are in control of how you think and feel, is a wonderful feeling.
Anxiety is usually caused because we hold the memory of too many negative things in our stress buckets in our minds. Solutions focused Hypnotherapy, and a few new habits which I will teach you, can help you to empty the stress-bucket and see things from a positive and happy place. We can even trick our brain into believing that the good things have already happened and get it to reward us with a boost of feel good hormones! These practices, I term 'Brain Gym', have been around for very many years and are not new but for some of us adults, we take a lifetime to discover how to harness these benefits and work them to our advantage. Why wait until you are a fully grown adult with responsibilities to learn how to harness the good things in life?
When we start to develop repetitive behaviours that become intrusive this is called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Feeling sad is a very natural thing in response to a sad event. Life happens and sad things happen.
Anger is often a default response to stress. I use characters to explain how different parts of the brain interact negatively to ensure our survival.