four people putting together four large jigsaw pieces

Benefits of Clinical Solution Focused Hypnotherapy

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy helps you to relax, become calm, deal with situations based on a proper assessment of what is going on, helps you to get a good nights’ sleep, overcome phobias, give up smoking, control painprepare for child birthovercome exam stress, improve sports performanceovercome stage frightimprove your confidence, overcome difficult social experiences and deal with life events such as bereavement, divorce, illness; quite simply to cope better with life and all it has to offer. In short it helps you to find the right piece of the jigsaw of life.

colourful representation of neurons firing in the brain - solutions focused hypnotherapyThere are two types of fear the type that ensures survival, and that is totally appropriate as it will prevent you from walking too close to the cliff edge or put your hand into stroke a Tiger at the zoo. But the other prevents us from doing things. It is the ‘what if I do that, it might make me uncomfortable type fear’. Just think of the opportunities you might be missing with this mindset. The messages get mistaken for threats and the pathways via neurons occur by default. Hypnotherapy helps you to divert the messages make a proper assessment and create new pathways.

Mindfulness is a way to live by being consciously in control of your thoughts and always forcing the positive route but most of us are so strongly seated in our primitive and negative minds by conditioning ‘I can’t’, ‘You can’t do that’, ‘I am no good at that’,’ that’s impossible’ that we are not able to practice it effectively. What if you could? What if I’m possible?

This is where hypnotherapy helps you to overcome that little negative voice in your mind that is being overprotective.


You don’t dwell on the past and relive the past.

Instead, we look to the solution in your now and future. Solutions Focused Hypnotherapy is not like counselling. You don’t need to come each session and relive the experience of whatever it is that troubles you by talking about it and reliving the experience. You won’t have to come for sessions over years – often 6-12 sessions over just a few weeks is enough to get you back on track. Historically other talking therapies take tens, even hundreds, of sessions to get you where you want to be over several years. Quick doesn’t mean less effective either, as we help you to reprogram your brain to interact, behave and think more positively you will feel the fog lift and you will start to think more clearly and act more effectively in all that you do. I call it Brain Gym.

Imagine what you could achieve with your life if you had a tool or new skills to help you to control those things, emotions, behaviours that are holding you back or getting in your way.

If you would like more information about Solutions Focused Hypnotherapy, or would like to make an appointment then please do get in touch.

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