Focused on Depression

Depression is a feeling of severe despondency and or dejection. It can creep upon us slowly and we don’t really know where from. Deep seated is often a feeling of self doubt which changes and becomes a melancholy burden that we live with. no matter how we try to shake it, it seems to follow us like a storm cloud. There is a reason that the term depression is used when describing the weather system and this is often how those suffering depression feel.

Help for depression

Hypnotherapy is suitable from the age of approximately 8 upward. All age groups can benefit. I have been uplifted myself by the positive changes I have seen in older clients. You are never too old to make life better.

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The World Health Organisation has recognised that depression is the most significant disability preventing people from working, not just here in the UK but globally. The statistics are greater than for those affected by cancers and heart disease. If you are in life’s ‘doldrums’ then Hypnotherapy can be a lifebuoy to help prevent you from drowning in the drudgery of life.Self-doubt is often bourn from a sense of being inadequate and that in turn by a lack of confidence. If you have lost your confidence it can be very difficult to find it again without some help and guidance. 

Like many emotions and feelings, depression is one that helps to form us and make us grow as human beings and often discomfort can bring us to a realisation that this is just the cost of admission to a meaningful life. If you think about it the statements that start ‘I don’t want to feel…. (fill space as you will)’ could be interpreted as a wish not to feel at all. But no one wants to not feel joy, happiness, accomplishment, fulfilment etc. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy will help you to rediscover these positives in your life.

Need some help? Get in touch
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If you have questions about how Solutions Focused Hypnotherapy can help you, we'd love to hear from you.

Phobias and Fears

When we behave in one way often enough it becomes our default course of action and we believe the lies our brain tricks us into believing. We then get into a downward spiral of negative thinking and lack of self belief.

There will be no ladders, eight legged critters, slitherers or anything else like that on this page! Phobias and fears are often brought about by trivial experiences that our primitive mind exaggerates and with some combined help from the Amygdalahippocampus and hypothalamus (parts of the primitive brain), we find ourselves believing that we are in danger and need to take evasive action.The dentist is a good example. We all need to have good dental hygiene and that includes regular check ups to avoid tooth ache, the very thing that hurts and we want to avoid. But the brain makes us believe that the dentist causes pain rather than take it away, so instead of embracing regular visits we avoid them and end up in pain. Our brain then says see dentist equals pain.

But what is that fear or phobia stopping us from doing? Venturing out of the house? (soon becomes agoraphobia) Is it knocking our confidence so we can’t speak out clearly and confidently and contributing to, missing job opportunities, potential relationships and generally going out and interacting with the world?I offer the first meeting free (1hr) for several reasons. Firstly it is important that you feel comfortable talking with me. I also need to understand a little about your fear, phobia or negativity. It is essential that you feel relaxed in my company for the process to work. You can find out more about how I am focused on helping you.Four sessions is all it takes to remove a phobia once stress and anxiety are under control. Improve your negative thinking and lack of self belief to conquer fears and phobias through solution focused Hypnotherapy in Peterborough. 

Contact us for more information about how we can help you with your personal situation.

Other areas we help with


Do you feel held back? Suffer with stage fright? Get blocks when you give a presentation at work or compete in a sport?

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Self Care

Wouldn’t it be great to Cruise through your week, instead of feeling burned out for half of it? Dump your stresses without sharing what they are?


Something Else?

There are many other issues such as Tinnitus, Bruxism, and Nail Biting that Solutions focused ​Hypnotherapy can help you with.

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