Focused on stress

Stress and anxiety can take many forms and in many ways very similar and may end up ruling our lives unnecessarily. Often it feels like we have no control over the causes of stress and anxiety but we do. We can take control of our responses.

If you think that every day feels like you are on the tread mill and that you are going through the motions. Existing not really living your life to the full. Feeling that everyone wants to pull you every different direction and never enough time in the day. Simple jobs become difficult or make silly mistakes, perhaps you find it difficult to take or follow instructions. Or your relationships are strained and you get ratty with your loved ones. You experience sudden outbursts. You may find that you are having all too frequent rather than occasional duvet days. There never seems to be an end to what you have to do. Too many people putting too many demands on your time and energy? Then you probably are stressed.

Stress arrives with good cause. 

The problems arise when, we don’t notice the causes leave and our mind carries on releasing the chemicals that drive the responses to stress (stress hormones). We continue with the feelings long after the stress has gone. This is an unhealthy state of affairs. One of the chemicals released is cortisol. Long term cortisol release is responsible for many physical diseases in the body. Diabetes and High blood pressure to name but two.

Learning to relax and slow down is the key to turning things around and this is where Solution Focused Hypnotherapy helps. You learn to ignore the triggers, focus on the good things and reprogram your brain so you can become that positive happy person that you want to be.

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An anxiety free life looks very inviting, like a clam tranquil sea and a golden beach with a warm gentle breeze.
Anxiety is often a feeling of nervous energy. Not being able to relax or sit still and often comes after a period of stress.

Common symptoms of anxiety might be:

  • feeling stressed or pressured
  • agitated
  • butterflies in the stomach
  • sweating, in particular sweaty palms.

May be you have physical symptoms of being unwell

  • a dull ache in your body, tummy upsets (IBS)
  • migraine or tension headaches.

For others is might be:

  • disrupted sleeping patterns
  • increased or irregular heart rate (palpitations)
  • dry mouth
  • tight chest
  • panic attacks
  • always feeling fatigued and in need of a duvet day

Of course there may be medical reasons for many of these issues. In the absence of a medical reason and even in some cases with a medical diagnosis, Forward Focus Hypnotherapy can help you to manage and even overcome your symptoms.

Help for anxiety

Anxiety can be a slow accumulation of things. Like a wave in the ocean and our slow changes in behaviour can go unnoticed. Sometimes people just feel irritable and snappy without really knowing why.

Anxiety can be identified by many behaviours. You may feel impatient or have angry outbursts over what would normally be minor irritations. You may get frustrated over small things and as a result of all these feelings, you may turn to existing or develop new habits as a mean of escape such as nail biting, sucking clothing or fingers, excessive alcohol consumption, over or under eating, repeating routines, checking your phone excessively, smoking, drugs or gambling.

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Other areas we can help


Why would you knowingly keep triggering chemicals in your body, or behaviours that in turn promote primitive, survival responses, that enhance stress

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Do you feel held back? Suffer with stage fright? Get blocks when you give a presentation at work or compete in a sport?


Self Care

Wouldn’t it be great to Cruise through your week, instead of feeling burned out for half of it? Dump your stresses without sharing what they are?

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