Focused on Child Birth

Child Birth can be one of the most daunting events in any woman’s life. It doesn’t have to be this way. Self Hypnosis for Child Birth can help it be very pleasurable and certainly rewarding. 

Child birth is as old as the hills and yet as expectant Mums, we can feel like it is an all new never before experienced, experience. Getting pregnant may have been a struggle, a shock or totally easy and a planned event. No matter which, there are approximately 40 weeks before you have a bundle of joy to deliver squawking into this crazy world that we live in.

Most of the focus will have been on the growth and development of the growing baby and the health of the Mother to be. Anti-natal classes may or not have been available and attended by Mum and Baby’s other parent. You are both excited and expectant and no matter how supportive that other significant is being, they are not the ones to be delivering this little bundle.

Everyone thinks to prepare their home and have a bag packed especially in those latter weeks. But how many think to prepare themselves mentally. Self Hypnosis for Child Birth is a process that empowers the Mum to be. It will help you to be calm and relaxed during pregnancy and see you arrive at Baby’s Birthday in a great state of mind.

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The process of Self Hypnosis for Childbirth

The process is divided into 4 parts. During those early weeks we get you comfortable with the process of Trance. First you will have a session or two with me dependant on your needs and during this you will be given a track to get familiar with by listening to it daily and a booklet to read. We will get you back after a couple of weeks to choose a relaxing place to visualise, there are 3 to choose from and give you another track to listen to. Then a couple of weeks later you will attend again and be given instruction in self hypnosis, another track to listen to and the process to practice. Finally we get you back 3 more times preferably with weekly intervals to prepare you for how and where your birth will take place. (8 -10 sessions in total). Dad, or your birthing partner, will also benefit from listening to the tracks as they will also come to the delivery day in a calm and relaxed way – understanding what you are doing and why, able to support you through the process. At no point are you unable to respond to your Midwife or Doctor’s instruction and in fact it can help you to be more compliant.

So you have only just heard about this process and you are due to give birth in a very short while? DON’T WORRY! I can still help you, so please call to discuss your needs.

The Benefits of Self Hypnosis for Childbirth

The benefits include:-

  • Deeper and more restful sleep before and after birth
  • Feeling more relaxed and less worried about the birth
  • Fewer digestive issues
  • Fewer drugs are needed – babies feed and sleep better with fewer drugs in their system
  • Labour is often shorter meaning Mum has more energy
  • Peace and tranquillity reigns
  • Deeper and more restful sleep before and after birth
  • Feeling more relaxed and less worried about the birth
  • Fewer digestive issues
  • Fewer drugs are needed – babies feed and sleep better with fewer drugs in their system
  • Labour is often shorter meaning Mum has more energy
  • Peace and tranquillity reigns

… To name but a few.

The whole process is designed to see baby delivered into as calm and relaxed an environment with the aid of as few drugs as possible, so that you and all your family can enjoy those early days with the new arrival.

If you have any questions about how I can help, please don't hesitate to get in touch - it's my job to put your mind at rest!