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Do you feel held back? Suffer with stage fright? Get blocks when you give a presentation at work or compete in a sport? How many times do you talk yourself out of going somewhere, attending a function, going on a date, attending a party or putting yourself forward for a promotion or new job? This doesn’t have to be the case. Imagine how life might be if you were relaxed, calm and confident. What opportunities might you take? What experiences might you opt for? Who might you meet? Where might you travel? What you might achieve? Often there can be things in our life that prevent us from achieving our goals, interview nerves, exam anxiety, promotion processes, training for sports, finding a new love, I am sure you have some of your own thoughts here. I can help you to overcome those hurdles by helping you to see that these obstacles really only exist in your mind and with the right mental attitude you can achieve pretty much anything you put your mind to (ever wondered where that term came from?) Nothing will replace you having to learn, revise, practice and deliver, but instead of the process being painful you can learn to enjoy it, to embrace it and find pleasure in the end result.
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The key to improved confidence and performance is YOU! How often have ‘nerves’ got the better of you in a certain circumstance? Exams is one that springs to mind be it school exams, SATs, driving test or university finals. Other occasions might be job interviews, presenting to others from the front, stage fright, giving a speech, competing in sports competitions, dating, meetings, interactions at work or at home. Often there is an element of lack of confidence which may be self-originated or instilled in us by others. You need to know that with the right mental attitude, knowledge and practice you are capable of anything that you put your mind to. Confidence is linked to performance. It is common knowledge that many sports men, women and teams do almost as much brain gym as physical preparation. Working with me can help you to focus on your goals, see and take the right steps to fine tune your skills and deliver an award winning performance, be that on stage or in the arena.
Let's take a look the All Blacks. This team was failing until one of the team decided that they had to turn it around and that it would start with a change in attitude. It took them a couple of seasons but they are now almost unbeatable having a more than 75% success rate across 130 plus years. Their mantra is ‘Better people, make better all b lacks’ . For a long while this was their advantage. What might you achieve by being the best version of you that you could possibly imagine?
Change! Coping with change… If things didn’t change, the world would stagnate and life would become very boring! Change can mean so many things to so many people and it is inevitable at many points of our lives.
Performance is not just to do with training. You can never do away with the commitment to physical training. You may already be succeeding in your field and being successful but there may also be younger or stronger competitors coming up the ranks behind you.
Public speaking is akin to a theatrical performance. There are many techniques used within commerce and education but polishing the content and delivery are down to you.