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There are many reasons that we might want to lose weight, the numbers on the scales, scare us, our health practitioner has told us we need to, we don’t like the way we look, we have a poor self-image relationship, we have poor self-esteem, we have aches and pains that we didn’t have when we were thinner/ lighter and the list goes on. Weight loss programmes and clubs tend to work whilst we attend but not for long term sustainable results. The clubs that you attend, give you support whilst you subscribe and then you reach your goal and drop out and back into poor habits. Many of them have realise that mindset has a lot to do with a person’s ability to succeed and address the issue to a degree but have you ever wondered if there was a more permanent way to change your mindset and thus improve/ guarantee your success?
Understanding your relationship with food, habits and behaviour patterns is step one and then retraining your brain to adopt a new relationship with food and nutrition more importantly is often the missing link. Hypnotherapy retrains your brain so that you don’t fall off the healthy eating band waggon. The key to success is connecting with your motivator to manage your weight and then to really want to make the changes. Greenacres Health offers you 2 options for weight management. The simple 3 session hypnotherapy stand alone which will help you to reveal your motivators and tap into them to ensure your success or the Forty-Fy Your Life 12 intensive modules which addresses lifestyle, mindset, nutrition and activity.
If you have concerns regarding your background health, then please do speak to us. Greenacres Health offers a mini health check service including blood pressure, height, weight, waist measurement, blood oxygen levels and a small selection of finger prick blood tests to cover diabetes (HBa1C), cholesterol (Lipid Panel) and inflammation (CRP – creatine reactive protein) subject to availability. We are very aware that more and more GP surgeries are not providing the routine screening they used to, putting the responsibility on the individual to check their own blood pressure. If you are already a patient or client and would like a Blood pressure check when you attend your appointment, please do ask.
If you have questions about how the Forty-Fy Your LIfe programme can help you, we'd love to hear from you.