Joint Pain

General joint pain can really impact our lives, affecting our sense of health and wellbeing. There can be many reasons for this and inflammatory conditions such as the group to which Arthritis belongs are but one cause.

 Whilst Chiropractic treatment is contraindicated during periods of inflammation in Rheumatoid arthritis and some other arthritidies, it is effective in maintaining mobility during the non-inflammatory stages. Osteoarthritis often referred to as ‘wear and tear’ responds very well for both pain relief and improved mobility. Beyond those conditions already mentioned, joint pain can be very specific and localised, caused often by a recent (acute) specific injury. 

The complementary approach taken at Greenacres Health means that working with chiropractic techniques along side, Activator techniques, Kinesio taping, dry needling and other soft tissue massage methods, many peripheral (limb) joint problems can also be addressed. 

Sometimes we work in conjunction with other healthcare professionals, recommending participation in other modalities but we always strive to support you the patient. 

We are happy to work along side the NHS system, please contact us to discuss you options..

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Other conditions

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Neck Pain & Headaches

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Leg Pain

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