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If you suffer from back pain, headaches, joint or muscular aches and stiffness then chiropractic may be the answer you are looking for instead of pain killers and anti-inflammatory treatments. Chiropractic treatment will help you to manage your aches and pains and help you to stay mobile.
Chiropractic adjustments will encourage the lower lumbar vertebrae and pelvis, or upper back and neck to re align in to normal motion and position…
The most common tension headaches are often the result of stress or bad posture which restricts the spine and muscles in the upper back and neck…
There are various causes of leg pain, many are derived from disfunction in the low back. 'Sciatica' is a term used losely by many to describe leg pain...
I use a combination of treatments - typically stretching, strengthening, adjusting and application of ice or heat…
If you suffer from back pain , headaches, joint or muscular aches and stiffness then chiropractic may be the answer you are looking for instead of pain killers and anti-inflammatory treatments. Good mobility is important to all of us but from time to time our muscles and joints sustain injuries. This could be from standing or sitting for long periods; trapped nerves or torn muscles from over exertion, playing sports; slipped disc from carrying heavy items, impact injuries or general bad posture. It happens to most of us at some point in our lives so specific, specialised treatment of the affected area, helps to reposition any out of place structures, enabling the body to repair itself. Changes in both our living and working practices due to COVID has seen a rise in joint related issues including neck pain, back pain and headaches. If you need advice on how to set up a home, workstation check out the blog page or ask the Chiropractor.
Professor Gert Bronforte et al, published their findings on the ‘Effectiveness of Manual Therapies’ in 2010. A UK based report assessing the evidence for and against the use of manual therapies* including chiropractic. They concluded that spinal manipulation or mobilisation is effective in the treatment of acute, sub acute and chronic low back pain in adults; migraine prevention and cervicogenic (originating from the neck) headaches and a variety of joint conditions affecting both the upper and lower extremities (arms and legs).
It also showed that manipulation or mobilisation of the thoracic spine (mid back ie. collar to waist) is effective in acute and sub acute neck pain and when accompanied by exercise, and when applied to the cervical spine (neck) is effective for chronic neck pain. You can view more of this at
*Chiropractors primarily use a manual and conservative approach towards neuromusculoskeletal disorders. Manual therapy is defined as a clinical approach utilising skilled, specific hands-on techniques, including but not limited to manipulation/mobilisation to diagnose and treat soft tissues and joint structures for the purpose of managing pain; increasing range of motion (ROM); reducing or eliminating soft tissue inflammation; inducing relaxation; encouraging contractile and non-contractile tissue repair, extensibility, and/or stability; facilitating movement and improving function. It can also be defined as procedures by which the hands directly contact the body to treat the articulations and/or soft tissues. In fact Chiro – practic means done by hand.
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