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In a world where success is often measured by material wealth, it’s easy to ignore the most fundamental asset we possess… our health: an important and overlooked wealth.
Money can buy us many things, but it cannot buy good Read more
I want you to just take a moment to consider the significant implications of not addressing poor health choices.
Would you invest in a car without ensuring that the engine is running well? Your body is that vehicle that Read more
I was asked recently if I had any hints and tips to manage aches and pains that don’t involve painkillers. Simple actions you can take to help your body stay active and repair itself quickly
These are my top Read more
It is important to good self-talk to instill resilience in your teen. The teen years are full of challenging experiences and changes and it is easy to become anxious or overwhelmed with feelings and succumb to nerves. Mantras are Read more
We’ve all experienced it, the ever-increasing to-do list… You know, it’s that thing you get anxious over. The thing that is niggling you but you just have to get x, y and z done first and you never seem Read more
We’ve all heard the phrase, “Laughter is the best medicine”. There are many benefits to laughing though some are more obvious than others.
Usually we associate laughter as an involuntary fast response to something that makes us happy, but Read more
Decluttering is a great way to refocus your mind – clearing out and rearranging has a great effect on lifting the spirits and raising energy.
Everyone has that one drawer or cupboard that becomes a Read more
‘Earthing’ or ‘grounding’, is the act of walking barefoot on soil, grass, or sand, in nature, for approximately 30 minutes every day. When was the last time walked barefoot for a period to gain the positive benefits it can Read more
Do you ever think why dressing to impress is important? This can be especially true when working from home. Today, more people have been put in a position where working from home has now become the norm.
Have you Read more
We are in many ways lucky to have 4 varied seasons here in the UK. It is easy to say ‘enjoy the weather’ when the sky is blue and the sun is out, but what about our wonderfully varied Read more