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The exact definition of this state of mind is up for discussion. Hypnosis is not always a trance or sleep state, contrary to what many think, even though a person under hypnosis may appear to be sleeping. It is a really natural state of mind and an important part of everyday life. We often go into a hypnotic state in our everyday lives, eg when our mind wanders, we daydream or focus on something. We’ve all had such an experience, haven’t we? Driving a familiar route and we forget a roundabout, watching TV and not remembering the plot or reading a book… we are in a state of hypnosis.
Neuroscientists have carried out brain scans on people who are in a hypnotic state. The results have shown that brain wave activity changes and these patterns are not dissimilar to the pattern of brain activity during meditation.
When we are reading, driving, or watching TV do we give control of our mind to someone else? No! You may be in a hypnotic trance but you still have the power to snap out of that state should you want to. Whatever or whoever hypnotises you; you always have the power to resist.
You will see that you are the one in control, not the therapist and you can decide how deeply into hypnosis you go. It is only then that you become aware of what hypnosis is. Your hypnotherapist is your guide and helps you on a journey, but the changes can only be made by you.
The realisation that you are in control, and that you can make the change yourself is very empowering. You’ll find that the more often you go into hypnosis,
aware that you are doing it, the more you realise how easy it is to let go, secure in the knowledge that you are safe and can always stop a session if you feel uncomfortable.
Most hypnotherapists use the knowledge that we are always in a state of trance and will have open discussions with you. Altering their language patterns, using suggestions relating to your goal and the changes you wish to make, before or without taking you into a ‘trance state’ at all.
So, no you won’t end up clucking like a chicken, barking like a dog, or believing that you are superhuman.
Remember hypnosis is a very natural state of mind. Many people are often surprised that they hear every word and could get up and walk out of the room, should they choose, at any moment. (These are often the people who initially think it’s not working). But others enter a deeper state and lose track of the words, and others may not seem any different, just very relaxed.
It’s similar to drifting off to sleep at night, the stage between awake and asleep, you may feel a sense of weightlessness or you may feel heaviness as all your muscles relax. Everyone experiences it differently, and your therapist will be able to reassure you and help you relax and enjoy the experience.
If you are concerned about any aspect discuss it with your therapist. Some find initially that they start processing things on their, to-do list, this is all part of the emptying your bucket process which will be explained at your first consultation.
Most people are surprised at just how relaxing it is and how much they benefit.
Hypnosis can be used to help treat a wide range of issues such as:
It can also be used as a tool to:
Initially, there will be a form that your hypnotherapist will complete taking a detailed history. Sometimes certain conditions may require your therapist to get permission from you to write to your doctor, to let them know that you are having hypnotherapy.
They will then discuss with you, your goal, and what you would like to see or feel differently at the end of your sessions. You may or may not have a trance session on that first meeting, usually not.
Subsequently, using a range of different techniques your hypnotherapist will relax you, make you feel comfortable, and work with you towards achieving your goal.
After a session you may feel uplifted, lighter, and very relaxed. Changes are often very subtle. Your hypnotherapist will be working with your subconscious mind, and you may just notice a very positive shift in how you are feeling, interacting with people or your language.
You will be asked to focus on the positives each day and to re-run these as visually as you can each evening. You will also be given access to a relaxation track to listen to as you drift off to sleep each night.
Beyond this, all you have to do is make regular appointments and keep to them until you or your therapist believe you have reached your goal.
If you’d like to find out more about how Hypnotherapy can bring about positive changes get in touch.